Man standing behind bars

What to Do If You’ve Been Charged With Assault in Virginia

If you are charged with assault or assault and battery or domestic assault and battery, you should have legal representation in court. A conviction can result in fines, jail time, a protective order, payment of restitution, and could affect employment and security clearances as well. In most assault cases the complaining witness (victim) and the defendant (person charged) have had some sort of dispute leading up to physical contact; other times the assault could happen out of nowhere. There are typically two sides to every story and a skilled criminal lawyer in Fairfax, VA can help you defend your case.

Your attorney will listen to you explain what happened and help gather any evidence or witnesses that can help in your defense. They can try to obtain the witness statements and 911 calls, and investigate the witnesses, evidence, and claims in the case. Gathering all this information helps your attorney assess your case and determine the best strategy to use moving forward…go to trial, negotiate terms of a plea agreement, or get the case dismissed nor nolle prossed due to lack of evidence or witnesses.

There are many different approaches that can be taken when dealing with an assault charge. You may be able to claim self-defense in trial or maybe the witnesses may have different stories and create confusion as to what happened during the alleged assault. Your attorney can help you gather mitigation to use in negotiations to get a better deal or to get rid of the case. Mitigation could be things like taking an anger management or domestic violence batterer intervention class ahead of time, doing a mental health or substance abuse evaluation and completing any recommendations, having full amount of any restitution ready to pay person who was injured, speaking with the person injured in advance to see what their story is or what they want in the case, etc.

When you have been charged with assault in Fairfax, VA, or anywhere else in Northern Virginia, turn to the relentless attorneys at The Law Office of Ann Thayer who are experienced in these cases.
